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FREE Shipping on everything! (except SAS Storm Shelters)
FREE Shipping on everything! (except SAS Storm Shelters)

6 Months of Survival Emergency Food Storage

A survey conducted by the American Red Cross in 2019 found that only around 17% of respondents said they were "very prepared" for disasters. It can often be overwhelming considering all the negative scenarios and trying to determine where to start. Everyone has to start somewhere, we suggest starting with the most important and urgent needs in your area. For example, if you live in an area prone to storms and tornadoes, you may want to start with a storm shelter and food storage. Living in the desert, you're going to need a hefty water supply. If you would like more information or suggestions, chat with us or give us a call at (833) 540-5418! Our team is happy to help people find their next best step towards self-reliance and safety.

Have questions? Give us a call! (833) 540-5418